ongen R&D
ongen is a multi-disciplinary research and development group working and collaborating nationally and internationally wih industry, research institutions and government agencies on novel use, and reuse, of regional resources to create new business opportunities for sustainable development.
More information on our active projects and members of the team
can be found by scrolling down.
Our work includes:
- mitigation of large and small scale off-gas CO2
- microalgal waste remediation and recovery of critical minerals
- bioprospecting for commercially valuable natural bioproducts for:
- disease fighting antibacterial, anticancer and antiviral agents
- antifungal agents to protect vines and hops
- health beneficial antioxidants and omega3's
- nutrition enhancement of organic waste products
- biofuels
- low-cost photocatalytic systems to protect drinking water for remote communities and households
- capture and repurposing on-site industrial waste energy
- life-cycle assessment (LCA) to analyze the impact of new products and new practices
- productivity and environmental impacts from using battery electric vehicles
can be found by scrolling down.